I Lay My Sins on Jesus

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This hymn was originally written by Horatius Bonar, who has been called the prince of the Scottish hymnwriters. In it we are reminded of how God invites us to bring our sins to Jesus not just initially when we come to Christ for justification, but repeatedly as we continue to become trapped in the guilt and shame of our remaining sin. The chorus was added with Revelation 3:19-20 in mind, an often-misquoted passage about God's invitation to believers to repent and return to Him. "Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." Jesus is speaking to the church in Laodicea which had become "lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold" in thier deeds of righteousness. This song explores WHY we can bring our sins to Jesus, giving us peaceful trust that He is willing, able, and ready to forgive and restore sweet communion with Himself to us when we ask.


             (Show Original Wordings)
Verse 1:
I lay my sins on Jesus,
the spotless Lamb who died;
He bears them all and frees me
from all my shame and pride.
I bring my guilt to Jesus,
to wash my crimson stains
White in His blood most precious
'till not a spot remains.

I lay my sins on Jesus,
He's waiting now with open arms.
I bring my guilt to Jesus,
For He is willing, able,
Ready to forgive.

Verse 2:
I lay my wants on Jesus,
my advocate above;
He heals my broken body,
redeems my soul in love.
I lay my griefs on Jesus,
my burdens and my cares;
He takes them all upon Him
and in my sorrow shares.

Verse 3:
I rest my soul on Jesus,
this weary, thirsty soul;
His gentle arms embrace me
and point me towards the goal.
I put my hope in Jesus
to bring me safely home,
To sing with heaven's millions,
my praise to Him alone.

Original words by Horatius Bonar (1808-89) and David Ward. Adapted by David L. Ward.
© 2005 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues


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[...] I Lay My Sins on Jesus [...]
Beautiful song! Great work with altering the original words.
» Aundrea Waltz on January 18th, 2009

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing it!
» Kara on May 8th, 2009

Thanks for this song, David! I just introduced it to our pastor, and he was eager to sing it soon. We'll be using it for instrumental this week and teach it to the congregation next week.
» John Finney on August 20th, 2009

[...] 4. I Lay My Sins on Jesus [...]
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