Lift Up Thy Bleeding Hand
Home » Original Songs » Updated HymnsPosted by David L. Ward on April 7th, 2014
This text, written in the mid 19th century and left untouched because of its' beauty, is a moving reminder of the healing that the Lord offers us in Jesus. In Him we have not only a physician, but a fellow sufferer who mourns with us, having been touched with the same pain and struggles that we endure in His earthly life. We are reminded that there is only once place, one source where wound of sin may be cured - one heart that can truly feel our deepest woes - the wounded side of Jesus where cleansing blood flows to wash away our sin and shame.Lyrics
Verse 1:When wounded sore, the stricken soul
Lies bleeding and unbound,
One only hand, a piercèd hand,
Can salve the sinner's wound.
When sorrow swells the laden breast,
And tears of anguish flow,
One only heart, a broken heart,
Can feel the sinner's woe.
Lift up thy bleeding hand, O Lord,
Unseal that cleansing tide;
We have no shelter from our sin
But in thy wounded side.
Verse 2:
When penitence has wept in vain
Over some foul dark spot,
One only stream, a stream of blood,
Can wash away the blot.
'Tis Jesus' blood that washes white,
His hand that brings relief,
His heart that's touched with all our joys,
And feeleth for our grief.
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1858
Music: David L. Ward, ©2013
Music: David L. Ward, ©2013