Look Unto Him

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The Christian holiday of Good Friday, the Friday before Resurrection Day (commonly called Easter), is a very special day for on it we remember how our precious savior suffered and died on our behalf. To non-Christians our fascination with the death and suffering of Jesus may seem morbid at best and downright disgusting at worst. But there is a purpose to meditating on Jesus’ pain and torture. God has done something to our hearts like He promised in Zechariah 2:10 (“they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him”) so that considering the bloody cross moves us to repentance, faith, and love for Jesus. It is at the cross that we see most clearly how seriously God takes sin and the punishment it deserves. We learn from 1 Peter 2:24 that Jesus “bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” It should have been us on that cross; we put Him there. It is because of the sins that we commit daily, the sins we often dismiss and minimize as “not that big a deal,” that Jesus suffered. The cross is precious not just because we see the seriousness of sin but more importantly, the unbelievable depth of grace. On the cross God’s mercy moved Him to give His own beloved Son over to bear His wrath when He had done nothing to deserve it. Look what God did to reconcile us to Himself! Look what Jesus endured to pay for our sin and win us to Himself! We need not look to the cross with fear but with expectation, for it is there where we find true love, acceptance, and friendship because of what Jesus did.


             (Show Original Wordings)
See the precious Savior dying
On the cross for ruined man;
There the willing, spotless victim,
Working out redemption’s plan;
Listen to His final whispers,
“Father, oh forgive!” He cries.
Then, again He speaks, “it’s finished”
And He bows His head and dies.

Look unto Him and find a Savior and a Friend,
Look to the cross and see the Lamb who bears our sin.
Here is the love to deep for us to comprehend:
Look to Jesus, look unto Him.

With this cruel death before Him,
Every insult, pain, foreseen,
Nothing moved Him from His purpose,
No dismay could intervene;
Even in His darkest hour
Jesus set His hope above.
Oh, the wondrous depths eternal
Of His own almighty love.

Love which made Him Prince of Glory,
Come to die the Sinner’s Friend,
Love beyond the reach of mortals’
Deepest thoughts to comprehend.
Sinner, make this love your portion,
Love that is so vast and true;
Still unblessed, if unforgiven:
Come, the Savior’s calling you.

Words by Albert Midlane (1825-1909) and David Ward. Music by David L. Ward.
© 2004,2007 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues.


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I just wanted to say that one of the most anointed times we've had when ministering a song was this past Sunday with this one. Thanks so much for pointing us to the cross and making these songs so available!
» Audrey on February 5th, 2009

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