Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above

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This hymn exhorts us to obey the countless commands in Scripture, especially in the Psalms, to praise the Lord. After reminding us of the reasons we have to praise Him - His holiness, love, greatness, noble deeds, and matchless power, it joins with Psalm 150 in calling for praise from instruments and all the creatures of the world. May God's praise continue to rise from His people as they join the witness of all creation in proclaiming God's honor and worth.


Praise the Lord who reigns above,
And keeps His courts below;
Praise the holy God of love,
And all His greatness show;
Praise Him for His noble deeds,
Praise Him for His matchless pow'r;
Him from whom all good proceeds
Let earth and heav'n adore.

Praise the everlasting God
With heart and mind and voice,
Flutes play soft and cymbals loud
In His high praise rejoice;
Praise Him with the bow and string;
All together play your part,
Crying out in unity,
The music of the heart.

Him, who is eternal love,
Let ev'ry creature sing,
Glory, praise to God above,
And honor to the King.
Hallowed is His name to speak,
As in heav'n and earth below.
Praise the Lord both strong and weak,
His greatness to make known.

Words by Charles Wesley (1707-88) & Craig Johnson. Music by Craig Johnson.
© 2011, admin by Thousand Tongues


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