Seek Him First

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These powerful and touching lyrics describe the fact that our one true joy is in God himself. All else - earthly pleasure - is a joy that fades, a treasure that fails, ceaseless longings and vain desires. As we sing, we celebrate that God replaces these empty pursuits with His peace - the peace of knowing that we have been forgiven. May we obey the Lord's command to seek Him first. (Matthew 6:33)


Seek ye first (echo), not earthly pleasure,
Fading joy (echo) and failing treasure;
But the love that knows no measure:
Seek this first.

Seek ye first (echo), not earth's aspirings,
Ceaseless long- (echo) ings, vain desirings;
But your precious soul's requirings:
Seek this first.

Seek ye first (echo) God's peace and blessing-
You have all (echo) if this possessing;
Come, your need and sin confessing:
Seek Him first.

Seek Him first (echo); then, when forgiven,
Pardoned, made (echo) an heir of Heaven,
Let your life to Him be given:
Seek this first.

Seek this first: (echo) His promise trying-
It is sure (echo), all need supplying.
Heavenly things- on Him relying-
Seek ye first.

Words by Georgiana Mary Taylor (1871-1953). Music by David L. Ward.
© 2001, admin by Thousand Tongues.


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