When Gathering Clouds
Home » Original Songs » Updated HymnsPosted by David L. Ward on February 4th, 2015
The emphasis on happiness in Western Christianity can cause believers to deny or suppress their sorrow. This is not only unhealthy but unbiblical, for our great pioneer and example of humanity - Jesus himself - was intimately familiar with grief and promises to meet us in the midst of it. We are instructed not to "grieve as [unbelievers] do who have no hope," implying that we are to grieve, not slap a plastic smile over our wounds. This song gets real and explicit about some of the deepest wounds we experience: needs, fears, sorrow, betrayal by those closest to us, the death of loved ones, and the fear and experiece of drawing near to our own death. In each of these stations of life our Savior is leading the way, having walked through it himself and now offering us his peace and strength. And when the journey is over, whether in this life or the next, He will welcome us home to the land without tears.Lyrics | (Show Original Wordings) |
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On Him I lean, who not in vain
Experienced every human pain:
He sees my wants, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures up my tears.
When love betrayed is all I know
And tears of lost affection flow
His tender care He shall bestow
For He has known the deepest woe;
He was denied, He was betrayed,
But ever by my side He'll stay.
And when my knees in sorrow bend
Upon the grave that holds my friend
That cherished voice and hand and smile
I must surrender for a while
You see, you know this deep distress
You grieved the death of Lazarus.
And oh, when I have safely past,
Through every conflict but the last,
Come bring the peace unto my side,
That only comes from One who died.
Then point to realms of cloudless day,
And wipe my final tears away!
Words by Robert Grant (1785-1838) & David L. Ward. Music by David Ward.
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© 2014 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues
Thanks for this again! Great Kingdom work