Awake, Glad Soul

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This resurrection hymn is full of the joy and triumph of the empty tomb. In this song we command our souls to awaken to the joyful reality of the dawning of an eternal spring "where life is waking all around." The resurrection proved that the love of God is greater than a mere sentiment, for it cannot be destroyed or altered by death. For those in Christ, though we may weep in the "shade and gloom of life," we are comforted to know that they will ultimately flee when the resurrection is consummated to include all things. Each sad tear shall be wiped from the eye of all of those who are in Jesus. So soul, awaken - seek joy in His resurrection and comfort in His word, and let your life be marked by thankful songs.


             (Show Original Wordings)
Awake, glad soul! awake! awake!
Your Lord has risen long,
Go to His grave, and with you take
Both tuneful heart and song;
Where life is waking all around,
Where love's sweet voices sing,
The first bright blossom may be found
Of an eternal spring.

O love! which lightens all distress,
Which death cannot destroy:
O grave! whose very emptiness
To faith is full of joy;
Oh let that love our hearts supply
From Heaven's endless spring,
Then, grave, where is your victory?
And, death, where is your sting?

The shade and gloom of life are fled
This resurrection-day;
For now in Christ are no more dead,
The grave has no more prey:
In Christ we live, in Christ we sleep,
In Christ we wake and rise;
And the sad tears death makes us weep,
He wipes from every eye.

Then wake, glad heart! awake! awake!
And seek your risen Lord,
Joy in His resurrection take,
And comfort in His word;
And let your life, through all its ways,
One long thanksgiving be,
Its theme of joy, its song of praise,
"Christ died, and rose for me!"

Words by John S.B. Monsell (1811-75) & David L. Ward. Music by David Ward
© 2014, admin by Thousand Tongues


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