Enlarge, Inflame

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It has been my experience that it is hard to find good songs that express a desire for zeal in evangelism. If you are looking for this kind of song, look no further! Originally written as more of a solo performance piece, we think that it's singable at certain tempos and with certain congregations.


Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain;
Give me the child-like praying love which longs to build Your house again;
Your love, let it my heart overpower and fill me from this very hour.

Enlarge, inflame and fill my heart with boundless charity divine:
So shall I all my strength exert, and love them with a zeal like Thine;
And lead them to Thy open side, the sheep for whom their Shepherd died.

I would the precious time redeem, and longer live for this alone,
To spend, and to be spent, for them who have not yet my Savior known;
Fully on these my mission prove, and only breathe, to breathe Your love.

My talents, gifts and graces, Lord, into Your blessed hands receive,
And let me live to preach Your word, and let me to Your glory live;
My every sacred moment spend in publishing the sinners' Friend.

Words by Charles Wesley (1707-88). Music by David L. Ward.
©1999 ThousandTongues.org, Admin by Thousand Tongues


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