I'll Rest in Christ

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This song beautifully illustrates the great exchange of the cross. Because of the work Jesus did on the cross in satisfying the wrath of God on our behalf, we bring all that we have done, including the things we thought were good ("so-called righteousness"), to exchange them for the merits of the Son, Jesus. Yet the believer desires to bring even more than simply his dead works to the Lord. We desire to bring the glory we once took in our works and nail it to the cross. What can the response be to such a great exchange – our filthy works for Jesus' righteous works? The declaration that by faith we will cease the labors of our own righteousness, stop trying to earn favor with God, and rest in the work of Christ for us.


             (Show Original Wordings)
Verse 1:
No more, my God, I boast no more
Of all the deeds that I have done;
I leave the hopes I held before
To trust the merits of Your Son.

So I'll come to You and rest
From my so-called righteousness.
I will cease my striving and put my hope in Jesus.
Trusting in His work for me.
I'll rest in Christ.

Verse 2:
By sov'reign love I bear His name,
What was my gain I count my loss.
My former pride I call my shame
And nail my glory to His cross.

Verse 3:
The finest works of my own hands
Dare not appear before Your throne:
But faith can meet Your law's demands
For Jesus' deeds are now my own.

Words by Isaac Watts (1674-1748) and David Ward. Music by David L. Ward.
© 2006 ThousandTongues.org, admin by Thousand Tongues


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[...] I’ll Rest in Christ [...]
I am Dhanaraj Cheelu, a software engineer, from Bangalroe. Leads worship every sunday in a church of around 10 people.
I found these songs are very good. All the songs are good.
All songs are centered at the Truth of God.

This kind of songs are needed for believers to grow in the Lord.

I started learning these songs.

May the Lord bless you and your ministry more and more.

With love in Christ Jesus
Dhanaraj Cheelu
» Dhanaraj Cheelu on September 4th, 2007

Wonderful song, I plan to use this at my women's meeting in January we are studying, The book of Galatians "Freedom in Christ". Thank you so much
God bless
Gail Owens
» Gail Owens on December 24th, 2007

This is just a great song. It's so true, we can rest in Christ, and know that no matter what we do, he loves us, and that it isn't by our works that we are saved, but by His amazing love.
» Jessie on January 23rd, 2008

This is a terrific song. The lyrics are profound and the melody is tuneful. It is one of my very favorite songs on here... so far, anyway!
» courtney - csj on March 2nd, 2008

[...] I Rest in Christ Hymn by Isaac Watts (1674-174 [...]
I love this website it is the truth about my wonderful and loving savior
and me and my kids listen to them all time
» Dominique Nsaie on March 2nd, 2009

What a great song! It’s so simple yet so rich. We need to emphasize more songs like this because they focus so much on God rather than ourselves and how we feel.
» Hymn Lover on June 4th, 2020
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