The Day the Lord Has Made
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This hymn was originally written in Latin by the French hymn writer Adam of St. Victor who was a liturgist in the tradition of St. Augustine. It is a beautiful explanation of the Christological fulfillment of the oft-quoted Psalm 118:24, which says "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." This verse is referring to the specific time when the "stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," (v. 22) which Jesus uses in parables to teach about his own crucifixion and exaltation. "The Day" is the day of his atoning work on our behalf, the day of the cross, the day on which God's plan of salvation was revealed and accomplished. To the Jews this message became a stumbling block, a nonsensical and impossible message that they simply could not believe based on their pre-conceived ideas about what the Messiah would be like and would accomplish. But to those who believe, the cross becomes not our stumbling block, but our cornerstone upon which we build all our hope for new life now and into eternity.Lyrics | (Show Original Wordings) |
That matchless day which cannot fade;
The day that light o'er darkness reigned,
Of glory which shall never wane.
Behold the day the Lord has made.
The veil is rent- come see unfold
The things the ancient Law foretold:
The figure from the substance flies,
And light the shadow's place supplies.
Behold the day the Lord has made.
This is the day the Lord has made,
We will rejoice and sing His praise.
Christ alone will be our cornerstone,
Praise the day the Lord has made.
By freely yielding up His breath.
He freed us from the bonds of death;
Upon the altar Jesus flew
And took the wrath that was our due.
Behold the day the Lord has made.
The ills on sinful flesh that lay
His sinless flesh has done away,
Which, rising up on that third morn,
Assures that we shall be reborn.
Behold the day the Lord has made.
Words by Adam of Saint Victor (1112-1146) & David L. Ward. Music by David Ward.
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