Behold, Where, in a Mortal Form
Home » Original Songs » Updated HymnsPosted by David L. Ward on March 24th, 2011
It is assumed that William Enfield, a British presbyterian minister, wrote the original text of this updated hymn (he was the editor of a 1772 volume in which it appeared without source). The words, an echo of Philippians 2:1-11, give us well-crafted language depicting the angst of Christ in the garden leading to the cross and describing the perfect virtues He displays in the midst of this most intense hour of His life. The final stanza focuses on the importance of following Christ to the cross in order to share in the joy and glory of denying ourselves and living out our salvation.Lyrics | (Show Original Wordings) |
Appears each grace divine;
The virtues, all in Jesus met,
With brilliant radiance shine.
He came to serve His Father's charge-
To spread His heav'nly light,
To preach glad tidings to the poor,
To give the blind their sight.
Amidst reproach and cruel scorn,
Resolved and meek He stood:
His foes, ungrateful, sought His life;
He labored for their good.
In the final hour of deep distress,
Before His Father’s throne,
With soul resigned, He bowed, and said,
“Thy will, not mine, be done!”
He walked the hill of Calv’ry’s shame;
He chose the sacrifice.
His reputation did not mind
And humbly bore the cross.
Be Christ our pattern and our guide,
His image may we bear.
Oh, may we tread His holy steps,
His joy and glory share!
Words by William Enfield (1741-1797), Jeff Bourque, & David L. Ward
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